What diseases lead to deficiency of an enzyme ? ~ My healthy diet and recipes

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What diseases lead to deficiency of an enzyme ?

Enzymes associated with any disease by the immune system. Much of the immune protection cells are disposed in the walls of the small and large intestine . Lining of the colon is the first and most important defense against toxins . If food is not completely degraded , this is reflected by the gastrointestinal tract of the body's defenses .During acute and chronic diseases of the enzymes are consumed more quickly than usual. Other substances , such as vitamins and minerals daily recovered through the food consumed . Production of enzymes can not be restored. This leads to fatigue, premature aging and lack of energy .A deficiency of only one enzyme may cause improper flow of a series of metabolic reactions in the body and thereby to prevent the full development of a vital function.Chronic malnutrition and indigestion lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients - amino acids, minerals , vitamins , fatty acids, because they remain inaccessible to the cells. At the same time you can feel a lack of energy, get sick easily and often fall into depression. Most people rely on such symptoms as fatigue and stress, but many people with low levels of enzymes and indigestion exhibit a number of symptoms such as fear , anger, poor memory , slowness or haste , avarice , grief. They surprisingly improve after normalization of digestion.Digestion starts in the buccal cavity and the outlet ends of the intestine. Includes liver, gall bladder , stomach, pancreas cancer, small intestine and colon.If even one of the major nutrients ( carbohydrates, protein or fat) is not used properly, can then exist:Poor digestion and excessive intake of inappropriate carbohydrates and fats - the main reason that obesity , high blood pressure , coronary heart disease, cysts , tumors , etc.
Syndrome of increased intestinal permeability - a condition in which , if the protein is not digested completely undegraded particles penetrate the blood along with other nutrients through the intestinal walls . This may result in allergic reactions , according to the state of the immune system have not been used and loaded proteins rot liver and kidneys , leading to migraine or asthma attacks , and other skin problems . When the source of these proteins is separated meat many purines, which are responsible for gout.
Obesity and flatulence as a result of taking too many carbohydrates that the body has failed to assimilate and razgladi to glucose.Deficiency of enzymes impairs the functions of the body and makes it susceptible to acute conditions such as colds , flu and headaches. The body , however, has a magical property is only treatable , so : the large amount of enzymes produced in the body , the stronger our immune system is the healthier we are and we do!What are the most important for the body digestive enzymes ?

amylaseBreaks down complex carbohydrates such as starch , glycogen , etc. .

lipaseHelps the body to break down fat. No lipase fat in our organism stagnate and accumulate in the arteries, which can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system . This enzyme has an influence on the control of cholesterol , which is also a derivative of some fat .

proteaseIt has the ability to hydrolyze proteins in acidic environments.

Alpha - galactosidaseContributes to the breakdown of complex carbohydrates such as raffinose , stachyose and verbaskoza . We need this enzyme to prevent intestinal discomfort after eating beans , cabbage, peas or lentils .

lactaseDegrades lactose ( carbohydrate which is found in milk ) .

cellulaseDegrade cellulose. We need it when we consume more vegetables , fruits and whole grains .

bromelainSupporting the overall digestion and absorption of nutrients. Suppresses inflammation , reduces swelling , aids digestion of proteins and acts purification.


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