2014 ~ My healthy diet and recipes

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Diet of the models

Claudia Schiffer diet promises a lucrative way - for three days to lose weight by 3-5 kg.Breakfast: 1 soft-boiled eggAfter 3 hours: 150 g cottage cheese, green tea.After another 3 h: the same.By the end of the day should not eat anything else. Only drink bottled water (2-2.5 liters)You should not use any salt or sugar.The diet is effective, but it is difficult for the body. It should not be repeated more frequently than every two months.The base of the diet is the curd which is rich in calcium. It is absorbed by the body in combination with vitamin D, which is made active in the summer - when there is enough sunlight.Most calcium is contained in yoghurt and hard cheeses and you alone to build up its diet. We must not forget that sugar, salt, cooked and thermally processed products "steal" calcium. 

Vitamins and plants rich in calcium will help to activate metabolism and thus begin to burn pounds


Proponents of the "living" food gladly eat fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, herbs and a small amount of vegetable fats.Eating raw vegetables is a form of strict vegetarian diet low in fat. Menu excludes meat, fish and milk.For 1-2 weeks, this diet will help you get rid of a few excess pounds and cleanse your digestive tract. It improves vitality and strengthens the immune system."Living" food purged from the body toxins, reduces the risk of dangerous diseases. Originally certainly feel fatigue, headache, but soon your good form will return and each morning you wake up with a feeling of freshness.Sample menu:Breakfast: a cup of soaked almonds or 1.5 cup granolaLunch: a cup of juice (carrots or bananas)
Lunch: a large portion of salad (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers), seasoned with lemon juice or vinegar and 1 teaspoon olive oil.

Early Dinner: Half a cup of nuts, raisins and apple.

Dinner: A large portion of salad with lemon juice and olive oil.

Before bed: 1 carrot and other fruit of medium size.

This diet should be followed up to two weeks. Eat more seeds, bread, eat more often, and eventually take Polyvitamins mineral supplements.

Soup "If I suddenly gained weight (a)

In just one week of cabbage soup will help you regain at least part of the good old form you take it in large quantity and at any time of day, but not later than 18.00.If you do not break your diet, you will lose about 5 pounds in a week.Furthermore defatted Lenten can consume fruits and vegetables, meat and fish - consistently, not together.Soup: 6 large onions, parsley, 2 red peppers, half a cabbage, 400 g tomatoes, 4 carrots. Add spices to your taste.1 day: Eat a variety of fruits (except bananas) and much soup as you want. Calories in this food is too low and you will be able to lose weight in a day with up to 1.5 kg.DAY 2: Eat a variety of vegetables - raw or cooked. Plus soup in unlimited quantities.3 days: fruit, vegetables and soup.4 days: bananas (4-5), skim milk soup.5 days: 400-500 g beef (or chicken) meat or fish, tomatoes (as you like) soup and not less than 6 cups of water.6 days: again the meat and salads - as you like. But no fruit!7 days: boiled rice without oil, salad, soup. Fruits are prohibited.During the diet you can drink only mineral water, tea, coffee, sugar and vegetable juice.

Extreme diet "minus two"

This diet is a suitable option for landing days - for all that by June failed to cater to his figure.

1st day: 4 apples, 1 large lemon, a piece of lean meat and 3 medium biscuits.

2nd day: Repeat from the first menu.

For these two days will probably part with about 1.5 - 2 kg. Take a break for a few days and repeat.

Salad diet

Can there be no summer salads? Especially imperative that they appear in the menu of those watching their weight. Green salads are tasty, delicious, and rich "live" vitamins. Experiment with cabbage, cucumbers, onions, spinach, tomatoes, peppers as you want.The special salad diet is no exception. It consists of components, without which we can throughout the year.The diet is designed for two weeks.1 weekDuring the day you can drink a liter of buttermilk-best of skim milk.Breakfast: (30 minutes before her drink a glass of water with lemon) fruit salad of apple, pear and orange yoghurt flooded with 1% fat.Lunch and dinner: Make a salad of all kinds of vegetables (excluding potatoes) and take her season with lemon juice and / or olive oil.2 weeksThe menu is the same as in the first week, but for lunch you can add 100 grams of lean meat.During the diet you can drink green tea and water with 1-2 slices of lemon.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Natural foundations of nutrition.

Stress , tension and chasing higher goals create a deficit of nutrients that can be obtained only by a natural friendly and clean food.This leads to the demand and supply of a wide variety of organic products . Organic products are environmentally friendly and fill our body n fresh energy .It is inevitable to ask why we have to pay for expensive organic products it can buy minerals from the pharmacy and I feel great. The question is very relevant and on-site and the answer is that the pharmacy can not create all the necessary substances for our body but only a limited number of them only nature can create what we need .In today's modern life dietary requirements are constantly increasing.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Refreshing diet for seven days

If you notice that your feet swell or that hold liquids better from time to time using this diet - it is refreshing and otchistvashta . Among the foods that are included in it appears and pumpkin. Few products are so low in calories - 25% as much as her. Among many traditional recipes , including fried or boiled pumpkin dessert , it can be prepared in excellent vegetable soups to fried omelet and for others. Remember - its seeds are beneficial for those suffering from diseases of the prostate.If you want to undergo this otchistvashta diet is good to supplement with herbal infusions and fruit juices in the morning . They cleanse the bowels and kidneys ideal . Diet helps with tight stomach.Herbal infusions of sage is especially recommended for women 40 years . Well affect the circulatory system and eliminates heaviness. Brewer's yeast because of its high potassium content is suitable for hypertensive patients . Everyday can take the pill yeast from 5 to 10 g , it is a great concentrated product , rich in protein and B vitamins1 daysLunch: omelet with pumpkin, cooked by steaming fish, seasonal fruit.Supper: carrot salad with bean sprouts , grilled chicken , 1 cup yogurt.2 daysLunch: tomato salad with bean sprouts , shrimp or crab rolls , grilled 1 cup yogurt.Dinner: salad with ananans , tuna, corn , vegetable omelette , herbal potion.3 daysLunch : Apple with ham, mashed bean yogurt products .Dinner: rice soup with chicken, yogurt with dried apricots.4 daysLunch: vegetable soup , mackerel, cottage cheese with honey.Dinner: cabbage with onions and boiled potatoes, poached eggs , seasonal fruit.5 daysLunch: salad with apples and cheese , fried fish , strawberries , flights with grapefruit juice .Dinner: fried potatoes with onions, pepper omelet is kiwi .6 daysLunch: cream of pumpkin soup , stuffed peppers with meat, lemon sherbet.Dinner: salad with corn, cheese, yogurt yeast .7 daysLunch: salad of carrots, cooked rice and canned fish ( boiled or steamed fillet ) , beef, chicken (white meat) , roasted rabbit is garlic, seasonal fruit.Dinner: Fresh carrot juice and fruit, fish and potatoes , yogurt with wheatgerm .

Friday, January 10, 2014

New trend in nutrition science !

There is no universal definition of functional foods , but few are known working ones proposed by various organizations around the world . Experts are of the opinion that functional foods cover those foods and food ingredients that provide essential nutrients besides , but biologically active components beneficial effect on one or more functions. They improve the health and stamina, and reduce the risk of many diseases . They are also called super foods .
According to the American Dietetic Association ( 1999) are " comprehensive, enhanced or fortified foods that can be consumed as part of a varied diet on a regular basis to achieve the potential health benefits ."Examples of functional components :

Beta carotene (carrots , pumpkin, sweet potatoes , cantaloupe , spinach, tomatoes) - neutralizes free radicals that can damage cells ;
Lutein ( kale , spinach , corn, eggs , citrus fruits , asparagus , carrots, broccoli ) - Care for eye health ;
Lycopene (tomatoes and processed tomato products , watermelon, red / pink grapefruit) - take care of prostate health .
Insoluble fiber ( wheat bran , corn - the bran , the skin of the fruit ) - supports digestive health , can reduce the risk of certain cancers ;
Beta glucan ( oat bran , oatmeal , flour, oats , barley, rye) - can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease ;
Soluble fiber (peas , beans , apples , citrus fruit) - can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and some cancers ;
Whole grains ( cereal, bread , oatmeal , brown rice) - can reduce the risk of coronary disease sartsetoi certain cancers, supports the maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels .
fatty acids
Monounsaturated fatty acids ( nuts , olive oil, canola oil ) - keeps the heart and eyes healthy , normal mental functions;
Omega- 3 fatty acids ( salmon , tuna , fish oil , walnuts , flaxseed, flaxseed oil) - keeps the heart and eyes healthy , normal mental functions;
Linolenic acid ( beef and lamb , some types of cheese) - supports the maintenance of desirable body weight and immunity.
Cyanidin, Pelargonidin, Delphinidin, Malvidin ( blueberries , cherries , red grapes) - strengthen the immune cells that support healthy brain function ;
Catechins, Epicatechins, Epigallocatechin ( tea, cocoa , chocolate , apples, grapes) - keep the heart healthy ;
Procyanidins, Proanthocyanidins ( blueberries , cocoa, apples, strawberries , grapes, red wine , peanuts, cinnamon , tea, chocolate) - promotes the health of the heart and pokochno -genital system ;
Hesperetin, Naringenin ( citrus) - neutralize free radicals , strengthen the immune cells ;
Quercetin, Kaempferol, Isorhamnetin, Myricetin ( onions, apples , tea, broccoli ) - neutralize free radicals , strengthen the immune cells.
Isothiocyanate ( cauliflower , broccoli , cabbage, horseradish ) - strengthens the immune cells.
Calcium ( sardines , spinach, yogurt , low-fat dairy products, fortified foods and beverages) - can reduce the risk of osteoporosis ;
Magnesium ( spinach, pumpkin seeds, whole grains and cereals, almonds , Brazil nuts , beans ) - ensures the proper functioning of muscles and nerves , strengthens immunity and provides bone health ;
Potassium (potatoes , low-fat dairy products, whole grain breads, grains and cereals , citrus juices , beans , bananas, leafy vegetables) - can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke, in combination with a diet low in sodium ;
Phenols (apples , pears , citrus fruits, some vegetables , whole grains, coffee) - support the immune system , enhance the health of the eyes and the heart.
Sterols / stanols plant ( maize , soybeans , wheat , fortified foods and beverages ) - support blocking absorption of dietary cholesterol in the body , reducing the risk of coronary heart disease .
Polyols (some types of gum ) - can reduce the risk of dental caries.
Prebiotics ( whole grains, chicory , artichokes , asparagus , onions, garlic, leeks , honey, banana and other fruits, fortified foods and beverages) - help to restore the normal bacterial balance in the digestive tract , helping to increase the number of bifidobacteria , absorption of calcium, magnesium and iron , promote immunity.
Probiotics (some yogurts and other cultured dairy and non-dairy applications ) - aid digestion and suppress putrefactive processes in the stomach and intestines.
Phytoestrogens ( soy and soy products , flaxseed, rye, some vegetables , seeds and nuts , lentils, broccoli , cauliflower , carrots ) - kostnatata support system, support immunity, promote healthy brain function , in women - maintain health menopause strengthen Cardiac -vascular activity.
Soy protein ( soy and soy products such as milk, yogurt , cheese , tofu ) - reduces the risk of coronary heart disease .
Sulfide / thiol ( garlic , onions , leeks , cruciferous vegetables - broccoli , Brussels sprouts, cabbage , kale ) - maintain immunity, enhance the work of the cardiovascular and digestive system.
Vitamins ( Vitamin A, Thiamin - B1, Riboflavin - B2, Niacin - B3 , Panthenol - B5, pyridoxine - B6, Folic Acid - B9 , Cobalamin - B12, Biotin - Vitamin H, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Vitamin E) .