June 2014 ~ My healthy diet and recipes

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Diet of the models

Claudia Schiffer diet promises a lucrative way - for three days to lose weight by 3-5 kg.Breakfast: 1 soft-boiled eggAfter 3 hours: 150 g cottage cheese, green tea.After another 3 h: the same.By the end of the day should not eat anything else. Only drink bottled water (2-2.5 liters)You should not use any salt or sugar.The diet is effective, but it is difficult for the body. It should not be repeated more frequently than every two months.The base of the diet is the curd which is rich in calcium. It is absorbed by the body in combination with vitamin D, which is made active in the summer - when there is enough sunlight.Most calcium is contained in yoghurt and hard cheeses and you alone to build up its diet. We must not forget that sugar, salt, cooked and thermally processed products "steal" calcium. 

Vitamins and plants rich in calcium will help to activate metabolism and thus begin to burn pounds


Proponents of the "living" food gladly eat fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, herbs and a small amount of vegetable fats.Eating raw vegetables is a form of strict vegetarian diet low in fat. Menu excludes meat, fish and milk.For 1-2 weeks, this diet will help you get rid of a few excess pounds and cleanse your digestive tract. It improves vitality and strengthens the immune system."Living" food purged from the body toxins, reduces the risk of dangerous diseases. Originally certainly feel fatigue, headache, but soon your good form will return and each morning you wake up with a feeling of freshness.Sample menu:Breakfast: a cup of soaked almonds or 1.5 cup granolaLunch: a cup of juice (carrots or bananas)
Lunch: a large portion of salad (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers), seasoned with lemon juice or vinegar and 1 teaspoon olive oil.

Early Dinner: Half a cup of nuts, raisins and apple.

Dinner: A large portion of salad with lemon juice and olive oil.

Before bed: 1 carrot and other fruit of medium size.

This diet should be followed up to two weeks. Eat more seeds, bread, eat more often, and eventually take Polyvitamins mineral supplements.

Soup "If I suddenly gained weight (a)

In just one week of cabbage soup will help you regain at least part of the good old form you take it in large quantity and at any time of day, but not later than 18.00.If you do not break your diet, you will lose about 5 pounds in a week.Furthermore defatted Lenten can consume fruits and vegetables, meat and fish - consistently, not together.Soup: 6 large onions, parsley, 2 red peppers, half a cabbage, 400 g tomatoes, 4 carrots. Add spices to your taste.1 day: Eat a variety of fruits (except bananas) and much soup as you want. Calories in this food is too low and you will be able to lose weight in a day with up to 1.5 kg.DAY 2: Eat a variety of vegetables - raw or cooked. Plus soup in unlimited quantities.3 days: fruit, vegetables and soup.4 days: bananas (4-5), skim milk soup.5 days: 400-500 g beef (or chicken) meat or fish, tomatoes (as you like) soup and not less than 6 cups of water.6 days: again the meat and salads - as you like. But no fruit!7 days: boiled rice without oil, salad, soup. Fruits are prohibited.During the diet you can drink only mineral water, tea, coffee, sugar and vegetable juice.

Extreme diet "minus two"

This diet is a suitable option for landing days - for all that by June failed to cater to his figure.

1st day: 4 apples, 1 large lemon, a piece of lean meat and 3 medium biscuits.

2nd day: Repeat from the first menu.

For these two days will probably part with about 1.5 - 2 kg. Take a break for a few days and repeat.

Salad diet

Can there be no summer salads? Especially imperative that they appear in the menu of those watching their weight. Green salads are tasty, delicious, and rich "live" vitamins. Experiment with cabbage, cucumbers, onions, spinach, tomatoes, peppers as you want.The special salad diet is no exception. It consists of components, without which we can throughout the year.The diet is designed for two weeks.1 weekDuring the day you can drink a liter of buttermilk-best of skim milk.Breakfast: (30 minutes before her drink a glass of water with lemon) fruit salad of apple, pear and orange yoghurt flooded with 1% fat.Lunch and dinner: Make a salad of all kinds of vegetables (excluding potatoes) and take her season with lemon juice and / or olive oil.2 weeksThe menu is the same as in the first week, but for lunch you can add 100 grams of lean meat.During the diet you can drink green tea and water with 1-2 slices of lemon.